Parish History

The Parish Legacy and Future Planning Committee was formed by the Finance Council to initially focus on existing building and campus assessment, establish planning capacity for future needs, as well as repair, maintenance, and capital project needs short and long term. The committee has also identified a need to document the history and evolution of the St. John’s Parish and School since 1929.  As we started to seek archive documents for our buildings and grounds we have realized the equal importance to focus on documenting the human history of our Parish community over time and hopefully establishing a storytelling capacity for the past and into the future. Our key objectives are to tell our Story for the 90th anniversary of our Parish and the 70th anniversary of our School in 2019 as well as leave an archive for long term management of our Parish and School as a stewardship gift for future generations of our St. John’s community.

Since 1929, Saint John Catholic Church has been ministering to the people of the North Area. On this page we are hoping to gather information and photographs that document the history and activities of our parish. If you have any material that you would be willing to share, please contact us at

In 2007-2009, given the proposed Master Plan for the city of North Charleston, which included the redevelopment of the former Charleston Naval Base and several other areas within the parish boundaries, we began to develop a Master Plan for the parish to address proposed population growth and changing traffic patterns. Here is a link to the plan:  Master Plan Power Point 2008-2009

 The following link take you to the notes and minutes of the committee’s meetings: Legacy & Planning Committee